Dining in the Dark
We spent last weekend in Montreal, and we decided to try O. Noir, a restaurant where you have dinner in total darkness.
A quick explanation of what the restaurant is:
- You get to the restaurant and order your food before you enter the main room
- Then, you are guided to your table by your waiter (most of them are visually impaired)
- The main room, where you spend all your dining time, is pitch black. No lights, no cell phones, no nothing. Black. Open or close your eyes, its pretty much the same.
The experience was really interesting. My highlights were:
- I had to trust my waiter, because he guides you everywhere you need to go.
- It was an exercise in patience, because when you needed something you call your waiter by name, hope he heard you, and wait.
- The food was pretty good, particularly the beef strogonoff. The mushrooms were amazing. And yes, you experience the food in a totally different level - smells, tastes, touch. I invite you to cut and eat a piece of meat without seeing it; the result is almost always eating with your hands :)
- It was also an experience in concentration. I found when you don't have visual cues, you need to concentrate in the voices of the people talking to you much more intensely. Also, I tended to lean towards people to hear better, and towards food when eating.
- Finally, and most importantly, it was an exercise in adaptation. There were a couple things that bothered me, mostly the noise around me (people tent to speak louder when they cant see each other) and having pain in my back from leaning. Then I realized that we need to adapt to really enjoy the experience. There will always be small things that bother us. Most importantly, people who live in darkness all the time find hundreds of things that bother them or that they cant enjoy. The only way to enjoy life is to learn to adapt to those things, and concentrate on the ones you do enjoy.
Overall, it was a very positive experience. I strongly recommend anyone near a similar restaurant to give it a try (there are a few in north america and europe now i believe). Some will like it, some won't, but its surely an interesting experience.
Realmente una experiencia interesante.
No me había paseado por la idea de que si no ves nada ¿cómo vas a cortar tu carne o tu comida en general, o cómo vas a preparar el bocado que te pretendes llevar a la boca?, me imagino que mas de uno acudirá al recurso de ayudarse con las manos,y mas de uno se chorreará la comida encima.
Hummm, desastrosín, sin duda...
Por otro lado, es impresionante cómo estamos acostumbrados a utilizar todos los sentidos para cuando necesitamos tal vez solo uno, me explico, usamos: vista para leer labios y señas, y oido para entender algo que nos estan diciendo y si nos dejan solo el oído, nos cuesta entender y mas aún si es en otro idioma que no es el propio.
Hay que vivir la experiencia para sacar uno sus propias conclusiones.
Me encantan las tuyas, que nos llevan a extrapolar la idea, al resto de nuestras vidas: CONCENTRACION, para agudizar cada sentido, cada obra, cada pensamiento, cada sentimiento...
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Hey Friend!
I heard about the restaurant O-Noir, seems pretty good, though the selection of restaurants in Montreal is almost endless. Apparently, the waiters at O-Noir are blind, I found that interesting and maybe you can confirm that.
I've also peaked at your pictures and have you been to OVO? That was a great show and for those who didn't see it yet, please do. Any show from Cirque Du Soleil are a-must-see :D
Talk to you soon, Alejandro!
Monday, September 14, 2009
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