A ver si podemos mantener el paso de estos golfeados de maple que estamos cocinando...

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Twister madness

[english follows]

Me veo en el deber de abrir este post con un gran GRACIAS a todos los que me mandaron algun mensaje de felicitation en mi cumpleanios (o en dias consiguientes). Esa es la maravilla de la tecnologia, nos ayuda de formas inesperadas. Les apuesto que los panas que armaron el ENIAC no visualizaban a la gente usando computadoras para recibir recordatorios de cumpleanios como ayuda en su vida social.

Celebramos mi cumple (y el de nuestra amiga Laura) el sabado, con una fiesta tematica: Twister. Habia jugado esta vaina solo una vez, pero quienes me conozcan sabran que tengo una gran ventaja gracias a mi gran flexibilidad: soy tan agil como un gato. sin embargo, le di oportunidad de jugar a los demas, y hasta perdi a proposito (despues de 67 victorias seguidas) para que no pensaran que estaba haciendo trampa.

Disfrute mucho la internacionalidad de la gente que fue (espania, mexico, brazil, canada, japon, venezuela, holanda), y lo bien que la gente se integro, aunque venian de circulos sociales bien diferentes. Obviamente falto gente muy importante, sea porque estaban ocupados o porque viven un poco lejos (consideremos que una buena cantidad de mis amigos viven a unos 4000km a vuelo de nazgul). Sin embargo, tratamos de divertirnos sin ustedes. Debo decir que funciono.

Considerando que una imagen vale mas que mil palabras (especialmente las mias), me callo la boca y les dejo fotos.


I must open this post with a big thanks to all who sent me messages on my birthday. You see, that's the marvel of technology, it helps us in unexpected ways. I bet you the guys who assembled the ENIAC did not foresee people using computers to have birthday reminders as an aid to their social life. Bless all forms of intelligence.

We celebrated my birthday (and our friend Laura's too) on saturday, with a particularly themed party: Twister. I had played this family game only once in my life, but those who know me will assure I have a great advantage because of my great flexibility: Im as agile as a cat. Nonetheless, I did give others the opportunity to play, and I even lost on purpose (after 67 won matches) so people didnt think i was cheating or something.

I really enjoyed the internationality of the people who made it (espania, mexico, brazil, canada, japon, venezuela, holanda), and how well people integrated even though they came from a few different social circles. We did miss a few important ones that couldn't make it, either because they were busy or because they live a bit far (a good portion of my friends live some 4000km as the nazgul flies). We tried hard to have fun without you. It worked.

Knowing how an image is worth a thousand words, Ill shut up and show you some pics.

Click on the slideshow for bigger pictures

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Wednesday, October 03, 2007

News, brief as they can be.

Good new: Burning man was a blast, probably the most interesting trip ive ever done. plans are already starting for next year :)

Good new: the term spans a couple weeks more than expected, ergo a slightly higher chance of finishing writing the thesis this term.

Good new: lua is proving more friendly than expected, ergo working with it has been swift.

Bad new: im still far from having the first glance of results on my experiments, ergo i need to bust my ass to hurry up

Good new: i bought a djembe last week, i already brought it to the drum circle on sunday.

Funny thought: i cant stop humming 'Im going slightly mad' by Queen. Coincidence?

Some photos may come soon. Some may not. Do hold your breath.

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