A ver si podemos mantener el paso de estos golfeados de maple que estamos cocinando...

Monday, November 27, 2006


Solo me falta unos pocos ahorros para ir a este hotel y quedarme unas semanitas.

Propeller Island

Saturday, November 25, 2006

The hobbit, by...

A few perspectives on what the hobbit can look like... here

musica para mis ojos

Me encantan estas propuestas donde las cosas pasan y no pasan, donde nos regalan mas a la imaginacion de lo que nos dan.

Mi peticion es la siguiente: cierren los ojos por cinco segundos, respiren profundo, relajen todos los musculos del cuerpo. Luego abran mucho los ojos y los oidos. Este cortito se lo merece.

Premio para el que reconozca la pieza. Oblivion para los demas.

Friday, November 24, 2006

El pana pedro...

... ya no va a dirigir El Hobbit, como se tenia esperado...

Si crees que puedes hacer algo al respecto, chequea esto


Gaby espino... yummy...

Seriamente, el trailer se ve interesante, asi que echenle un ojo...

Monday, November 20, 2006

Menos comentarios

Tengo un plugin en firefox que me dice el clima actual, y la prediccion para los proximos dos dias. Este fue el amable comentario que me hace en la manana de hoy...

... no tengo mas comentarios.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Mi Premier video

Ahi va mi tiempo libre, se lo acabo de regalar a Adobe Premier cuando decidi instalarlo en mi maquina. Claro, de bonus tambien le regale un poquito de mi tiempo de descanso, de comida, de dani y de universidad. Ya veremos que tal.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Realidad alusiva

Los altos panas de Embas ya lanzaron su video de Realidad Alusiva por el canal de difusion de moda. Altamente tripa, asi que veanlo y dejen sus comentarios. Ah, y compren el disco! :D

Saturday, November 11, 2006


Hoy mi cerebro esta mas seco de lo normal, asi que solo alimentare el blog con algunas fotos de halloween.

La dani disfrazada de spider-algo-woman-black

Mi disfraz de baby-sitter :D

La naty de pinguino, con huevo y todo :)

El pico no la ayudaba a tomar

Naty, Renee, Dani, Teagan, Theresa (roommate de naty)

Igual que antes, con V infiltrado


Teagan y V (Connor)

Theresa y Teagan showing off

Es demasiado gracioso ver a V bailando funky


payaseando mas

Este carajo si se fajo. Lo quiero ver cuando le de un impulso inconsciente de sacarse los mocos...

th th th thats all folks...

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Long time friendship

I remember starting my friendship with her a long time ago. My first memories of her take place in my early years, and they have something to do with looking and later reading books and taking walks in the park, finding weird bugs and watching birds. A kid's fascination is always so colorful, so pure...

And then it happened. My school years kicked in and for some reason I stopped liking her. I guess I did not have enough time, and that made it really hard to understand her. Everybody knew, though, I was bounded to her in levels I could not even begin to imagine. I knew too. But I didn't care much. It's incredible how you get used to an idea that can survive for years, even when you change so much that you barely resemble who you were. And so I grew avoiding her. Little did I know.

Who would have thought it would be here that I would find her again. Of all the places in the world, Ottawa. Of all the moments in my life, now. I guess she has always been close waiting for me to open up my eyes and see. Finding her made me go back to those childish years, where she looked so simple and so mysterious... Now I am different, I know better, and I've discovered a completely new dimension of beauty in her. Her complexity and perfection amazes me now more than I had ever imagined.

I'm not sure what future we have ahead, but I promise to give you more time. Though I will try to understand you sometimes, I will enjoy even more the simple pleasure of discovering your incredible perfection. I'm not sure I can do much for you, other than being part of your infinite dance.

Thanks for always being there, my dear Biology. Not that you ever had any other chance, right?