A ver si podemos mantener el paso de estos golfeados de maple que estamos cocinando...

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Salsa celtica

Those of you that know my relationship with music (and im sure most of you dont), might recognize that once I get to know a band I really like, I'll spend a lot of time listening to it almost exclusively for a good while. Its happened with embas, famasloop, pink floyd, dead can dance, korn, kevin johansen, dela dap, and many many more. This time, Im absolutely in love with this band called Salsa Celtica. For a time Ive come to like good salsa and these guys make a particularly weird mix of cuban/venezuelan salsa with celtic instruments. Surprisingly, it works amazingly well. Ive done much effort to listen to something else for this last week with very little success.

Please take a look at this one song and, if you enjoy it as much as I have, go buy the cd :)

Friday, May 25, 2007

Toronto Kris y Juan Carlos

Fotos del viaje a Toronto por la boda de Kris y Juan Carlos. Sorry por la demora :)

(Si le dan click en la foto pueden ver el slideshow mas grande)

Not paradise

Ayer tuvimos una senial clara de que Canada no es el paraiso: mosquitos. Uno pensaria que los molestos alados estan prohibidos, o que les niegan la visa, o que les tienen un lugar especial para que vivan felices donde algunos humanos se voluntarian para alimentarlos sin tener que perjudicar al resto de la poblacion. Pero no. Vuelan libremente por el mismo espacio que caminamos. Y sumados a la subida de temperatura que hemos tenido en estos dias (hoy 22 grados, ayer llego a 30) no podemos evitar sentirnos como en la playita. Solo que una playita sin mar, sin arena, sin trajes de banio reveladores.

Eso si, los desagradables voladores son un poco mas educados, pican de uno en uno y no todos a la vez...

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

El Mundo de Famaslopp

Los panas de famas ya tienen otro video, tripeenlo que esta muy bueno

Sunday, May 20, 2007


Science can be a scary thing, if we get too used to a status quo. Since I've had memory I've heard people saying -regarding scientific and technological advances- 'what is the world coming to' or 'what will they invent next'. The only constant answer to that question is that we are an every changing race, for better or worse. Getting used to that idea, and learning to move forward with the rest of the human race is definitely key to delaying the deprecation of our functions as individuals.

One of the subjects Ive always been interested in is how does that affect information. When I decided to study computers, I felt that the knowledge I would acquire during University would probably be obsolete not long after I graduated. In many ways it has been so, and we keep speeding up which may make this a more evident reality soon. That's why we have to keep redefining what we should be learning. I think this video exposes very interesting ideas on this subject. Enjoy.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Male restroom etiquette

For the sake of mindkind, educate yourselves:

Monday, May 14, 2007


Durante unas cuantas semanas estare cuidando la piton de un amigo que esta de vacaciones en venezuela, y el sabado pasado tuve el placer de alimentarla. Es impresionante como estos animales matan a su presa. Intente filmarla, pero por varios problemas tecnicos el video quedo corto y de no muy buena calidad. La proxima sesion sera mejor filmada :)

No pude capturar el momento en el que captura al raton, el video comienza ya con el animal muerto y la culebra empezando a engullir. Acelere el video al 300% pues los movimientos son bien lentos.


Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Laptop at 103%

My laptop battery is so uber cool that it runs at 103% of its capacity. Dont you beleive me? look at this: